Hi, I am Teresa webmaster of digitalscrapbookingtemplates.com I hope you are enjoying this website and downloading lot's of great scrapbooking templates.

This website is a result of having a collection of hundreds of Paint Shop Pro graphics after years of learning how to do them. I have always wanted a website of some kind so I came up with the great idea to combine my Paint Shop Pro graphics into scrapbooking templates and element embellishing kits. This scrapbooking website is a labor of love because I love being creative and being able to share that creativity.

I look forward to having each of you as my loyal customers and offer 100% satisfaction with each of the products on this website.

I hope you come back often to see my new scrapbooking creations!

Reach For The Stars Even If You Have To Stand On A Cactus

Thanks for visiting .....Teresa

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Terms Of Use Digital Scrapbooking Template Layouts and Digital Scrapbooking Template Layout Kits or any digital scrapbooking elements are for your personal use only and may not be sold in whole or as part of any created image. All content on this web site is the property of digitalscrapbooktemplates.com